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16.8. What is the electromagnetic field?

Can the electromagnetic field be microscopic waves in the Pattern?

In physics, one operates with the existence of separate fields for all the elementary particles and much else as well. From these fields, particles with a certain mathematical probability pop up (the Schrödinger equation, we will look at it in a moment). But what the fields are, what they are made of, where they come from, why and how – remain unanswered in the natural sciences.

Since light in all conceivable situations, assuming vacuum, moves at the same speed as that we find in the interpretation of the fundamental, mental Pattern, namely the speed of light, it is reasonable to assume that the Pattern and the electromagnetic field are the same.

All that is later, higher emergent interpretations of the field always move slower than light. The principle of emergence dictates it, so I assume this; it should be examined.

That should at least be a clear indication, and this idea is also straightforward, which is always pleasant.

Another factor indicating that electromagnetic radiation can be waves in the Pattern is that the waves (in a vacuum) always move at the constant speed of light, no matter the observer's velocity. That is one of the main points in Einstein's general theory of relativity.

It's counterintuitive. Everywhere else where two «velocities meet», it is the sum, i.e. the relative velocity between the two objects in motion, that is observed.

Imagine that two trains are running towards each other, each at approximately the speed of light. In front of both locomotives, some floodlights send light toward the oncoming train. The light travels at the speed of light, and each of the trains does almost the same, moreover in the same direction as the light is emitted.

One would then think that the light travels at about twice the speed of light out of each train, seen from the position of a stationary observer in between.

And since the two trains also run towards each other, the relative speed between the light rays should be almost four times that of the light, still observed by an immobile observer.

The fact is that regardless of whether you are on one or the other train or whether you are the static observer, you experience that the light travels at the speed of light.


How is it possible?

We already know that the speed of light was one of the first things the Experiencer conceptualised. It observed that «points» suddenly existed at many different distances. It explained the different lengths by saying the points must have moved apart in a specific timespan and thus at a particular speed.

The concepts of space (distances), time and speed were conceived and locked into each other in a fixed, mathematical relationship.

Einstein showed that time and distances vary continuously throughout the universe, as when you drag and stretch a marshmallow, but the speed of light is constant.

Therefore, it is reasonable to believe that light is microscopic waves in spacetime, i.e. creates a pattern that mixes with the rest of the Pattern primarily formed through microscopic gravity.

Photons are released at every slightest energy change in the universe. Because they carry energy, they also have mass (even if the mass at a standstill is zero). The photons thus affect the pattern and create waves, as rocks create waves when thrown into the sea.

It sounds banal, but again it is pleasant to imagine that the smallest can conceivably function the same as the largest.

Note: Like everything else in this book, this must be considered an input, a challenge to science to look at alternative understandings of today's physics.

This call comes not only from me but also from thousands of other thinkers around the planet.